Professor Belma Ötüs Baskett

Born and raised in Istanbul, Turkey.

Educated at Robert College, Istanbul; Faculty of Languages, Anakara University; University of California, Berkeley.

Testimonial from former student: ( see translation below )

Testimonial Translation:

Dear Professor Belma,

I believe it was in 1972, I was in your Modern Drama class at METU. I always remembered your first name, and recently when I saw your full name while reading Ipek Calislar's book on Halide Edib, I immediately recognized and remembered your surname as well. It was easy to find your email address.

You presented that lesson in an awe inspiring admirable way. I want to express my deepest gratitude almost half a century later.

While a faculty member for 33 years in the U.S. as an academic advisor, I always told my engineering students, who refused to consider new topics for their elective courses, this anecdote: While considering my first non-technical elective classes I encountered a situation. The classes I was interested in were either full or the schedules were conflicting with my mandatory classes. I had no choice but to sign up for the Modern Drama class. Now if you ask me what is the first class I remember that I learned the most from, without hesitation I would answer: The Modern Drama class. So, I hope you'll reconsider some of the topics you are rejecting, and give them a chance." These words would always have the right outcome.

My advise was influenced tremendously by your personality, your experience, and impeccable teaching style. Chekov's play The Three Sisters and Arthur Miller's play, are still fresh in my mind. I've been wanting to thank you for decades. I'm so glad I finally got the opportunity.

With best wishes and my deepest regards...

Tamer Ceylan

( Translation by Ceylan Karasapan )



B.S., Honors Diploma, M.A., Ph.D.


• Middle East Technical University, Ankara (23 years); Chairperson of Humanities Department (2 years).
• Michigan State University (12 years)
• Visiting Professor, Semester at Sea Program, University of Pittsburgh (one year)
• Kansai Gakuin University and Kobe College, Japan (one year)
• Bilkent University, Ankara (one year)
• University of Surrey at Roehampton (2 years)


• Editor of Ufuk magazine, publication of USIS, Ankara
• Style Editor of Translation Program of USIA, Ankara (10 years)
• Editor of Turkish Area Studies Review, London (2003-present)


• Handbook for Composition and Term Papers for Freshmen, Middle East Technical University Press, Ankara, 1964
• English Studies, METU Press, 1969
• The Concept of Death in Ernest Hemingway, Dogus, 1969
• Kurt Vonnegut: Connoisseur of Chaos, Erk, 1983
• Nezihe Muhitin ve Türk Kadini, co-author with Aysegul Baykan, Iletisim, 1999
• and more than 60 articles published in Turkey, USA, UK, Austria, Spain.


• Bir Fincan Çay (K. Mansfield, A Cup of Tea), 1951
• Baskan Nixon (Mazo and Hess, President Nixon), 1969
• Bahtsiz Asker (C. Wang, Soldier of Misfortune), 1970
• Li Ci’nin Maceralari (H. Evans, The Adventures of Li Chi), 1971
• Women and Religion (F. Berktay, Tek Tanrili Dinler ve Kadin), 1998

President of International Society for Contemporary Literature and Theater,

Married to Professor Sam Baskett.
Children: 2 sons, 1 granddaughter, one grandson.


Prof. Dr. Belma ÖtüI Baskett KimdirI

DoIma büyüme Istanbulludur. Halen Istanbul ve Londrada yasamaktadIr .Evlidir, iki oIlu , üç torunu vardIr
Ögrenimini Istanbulda Robert Kolejde, Ankarda Dil-Tarih- CoIrafya fakültesinde ve SanFransisko Berkley’de Kaliforniya Üniversitesinde TamamlamIItIr. DiplomalarI BaIölorya, master ve Doktora ‘dIr.
ÖIretim üyesi olarak çalIIma hayatI:
Orta doIu Teknik Üniversitesi, Ankara (23 yIl) BeIeri Ilimler Bölüm BaIkanI
Michigan State Üniversitesi (12 yIl)ABD
Konuk Profesör olarak Pittsburg Universitesinin Semester At Sea proramI (Bir dönem)ABD
Kansai Gakuin ve Kobe Üniversitesi, Japonya (Bir yIl)
Bilkent Üniversitesi, Ankara (Bir yIl)
Surrey Üniversitesi , Roehampton, Londra(2 yIl)
Editör : Ufuk dergisi , USIS, Ankara(beI yIl)
Çeviri programI , USIA,Ankara(10 yIl)
Turkish Area Studies review , Londra (5 yIl)
KitaplarI: Handbook for Compositions and Term Papers for Freshmen, ODTÜ YayInlarI, Ankara, 1964
English Studies, ODTÜ yayInlarI, 1969
The Concept of Death in Ernest Hemingway,Ankara: DoIuI MatbaasI.1969
Kurt Vonnegut: Connoisseur of Chaos,Ankara:Erk matbaasI, 1983
Nezihe Muhittin ve Türk kadInI ( prof. AyIegül Baykan ile). Istanbul: IletiIim yayInlarI, 1999
HakkI Behiç: Ailesi, Özel ve Siyasal YaIamI l(Prof. AyIegül Baykan ile)Istanbul; II BankasI YayInlarI (baskIda)
Ve Turkiye, Amerika, Ingiltere ,Japonya,Avusturya, Ispanyada birçok kitapta ve dergide yayInlanmII makaleleri vardIr
Çeviriler Bir Fincan Çay, Ankara 1951
BaIkan Nixon, Ankara 1969
BahtsIz Asker, Ankara,1970
Li Çi’nin MaceralarI Ankara 1971
Women and Religion, Toronto, 1998
Mesleki Dernek çalIsmalarI: BaIkan: International Society for Contemporary Literature and Theater (1994-den beri devam ediyor
Uye: Hemingway society, Jack London Society, Ezra pound Society, The Cultural Association of Turkey

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